Thursday, August 25, 2016

Redhat Satellite 6.2.1 installation overview

This document is a quick view of commands to complete the installation of Redhat Satellite 6.2.1

Minumum Hardware requirement

CPU 4 cores
swap 1.5 of RAM
hostname FQDN

Storage requirement for Satellite server.

Make a seperate partition for /var/lib/pulp because this partition will contain all the content.
Overall /var should have more than 500GB.

1. Configure the FQDN hostname

#hostnamectl set-hostname

2. install and enable ntp

#Yum install chrony
#systemctl start chronyd
#Systemctl enable chronyd
#ntpdate -q

3. Install the SOS package to get collect the diagnostic and configuration information for debugging issues in satellite server.

#yum install sos

4. register the machine with Redhat Network

#subscription-manager register

5. Once the machine is registered with the Redhat Network, clear the metadata.

#yum clean all
#yum repolist enabled

6. Enable the SE Linux in enforcing or permissive mode

7. Enable the firewalld service in the machine (you may have issue in installing the package, remount the /usr with rw [mount -o remount, rw /usr])

# yum install firewalld
# firewall-cmd --add-service=RH-Satellite-6
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=RH-Satellite-6
# firewall-cmd --add-port="5646/tcp"
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port="5646/tcp"

Install the Redhat Satellite package using yum

# yum install satellite

Installing the Redhat Satellite offline

I. Mount the ISO image to /media/sat62
II. #cd /media/sat62
# ./install_packages

Once the installation is completed successfully, Satellite has to be configured.

Note: Self-signed certificate or third party certificates are required to configure the satellite server.

8. review the answer file for the configuration of satellite server

# vi /etc/foreman-installer/scenarios.d/satellite-answers.yaml/

Check for the hostname and correct it, if there are anything missing in hostname in yaml file.

9. Configure the satellite server with absolute path of the certificates in cmd line

#satellite-installer --scenario satellite\
--certs-server-cert "/data/shankar03/"\
--certs-server-cert-req "/data/shankar03/"\
--certs-server-key "/data/shankar03/"\
--certs-server-ca-cert "/data/shankar03/polyglot_pe_fake_ca.cert.pem"

10. Logs can me monitored during the installation

#tail -f /var/log/foreman-installer/satellite.log